
Sunday, January 29, 2017

JINX! Take 2

Haha! Joke is on me. It has been more than an entire semester since I posted last; the last post started by telling what a horrible, no good, very bad time we were having. JINX! Lesson learned: never complain about how bad things are. You never know what the future will bring. 

It has been less than a walk in the park the last few months, but all with silver lining and tender mercies around every corner. God is definitely putting each stepping stone in front of us; otherwise, we'd be on another path of our own right now. 

So, in a whole semester a LOT has changed and nothing really at all. It is a new year, Eden is a year older and her own little talking person; we moved, we have another one on the way, and yet here we are still in St. Kitts, still a happy family, still very spoiled by our families, and still trying to be our best every day. 

I'm not sure I can fully summarize 5 months, but here are the highlights:

First, a laugh. If you aren't LOL-ing right now, you should be! I have a strange urge to "pakAW!" like a bird... but don't worry; Austin jumped when he saw this picture too. Luckily, this was right after finals and just before going home to Utah to get a hair cut. 

Among the many things we did at home, I saw my bestie from childhood: Alyssa. We would fantasize about the day we would have babies and be married. Now look at us! This is one for the books- friends for 20 years and counting. 
 Of course, on the list of "have-to's" while in Utah is attending the Temple. This was special because Austin and I lived a mile away from the Provo City Center Temple as it was under construction while going to BYU. It was dedicated just before the break! And it is beautiful inside and out. We were so lucky to go when we did; upon leaving, we ran into our good friends from our Provo ward. Rachel Hulmes, my old VT companion was there with her cute daughter. What a sweet reunion!

While we were home, Eden learned how to say "fish" watching Grandpa Gardenhire's goldfish in his office. It became a favorite thing, so much so, that Grandma took us to the aquarium. I don't think Eden expected to see 6 foot long fish (and neither did we)! She was a bit anxious, but loved the penguins and had a fun time seeing all the animals. 

You'd never know it, but this is the smiley face of a girl who just got shots at the doctor. Thank you, Grandpa, for making that happen! She was pretty excited to get her own (toy) cell phone. Who knew the doctor's could be so fun?

It's always good to be home in Utah and always hard to come back to St. Kitts. Lucky for us, Grandpa spoiled us and sent us straight to the Marriott so we felt like we were still on vacation. What a treat! And we were... on vacation! It was wonderful in every way. Can you tell that Eden loves it too? Cartoons... pushing stick things around with Dad... the pool... and lots of rain! Plus everything else you expect: AC, a dishwasher, a bed for each of us.... heaven. 

They even gave us Champagne to celebrate our anniversary! If only we drank...
 This. This is why we miss America. 

This is a grocery store. With no food (unless you like eggplant). 

This is what happens when you go shopping after a holiday when no one works and before shipments come in. 

You go hungry. :(

I think I went to 3 stores that day and they were all the same.

Do I need to say anything here? This is just to show you how cute us girls can be and to prove that we had fun. Eden rocks her shades. 

How many? Eden built this all by herself. She is pretty awesome at doing towers, but just you wait and see what happens when Daddy helps. As a side note, I'd like to brag that she knows her whole alphabet by sight and surprised me by counting to 10. She loves pointing out colors and her favorite? Blue. 

Told you! Big things happen when Daddy gets to play. Eden has become such a Daddy's girl. She is his total shadow and gets HYPER whenever he comes home. I'd compare her to what people describe a coffee high to be like- only more so and completely natural. Eden's new thing is to make you follow her everywhere. She waves you over and says, "Come here!" She has also started- and won't stop- saying, "I want to play" and "Come play." She is one busy, energetic, happy, not-so-little-anymore girl.

Time to LOL again. These faces!! I couldn't have posed her better. Eden is quite the character; takes after her daddy. Why some people never want kids is beyond me. They bring SUCH joy. It's no wonder why the whole plan of happiness is based around forever families. I sure love mine! And it's growing. Austin and I are waiting for Junior #2 in the summer. I should be around 19 weeks pregnant right now and doing great, just ballooning like I didn't expect. My mother-in-law, Alecia, wasn't kidding; after your first baby you are like a used balloon. Things are going great and Eden will be such a good big sister. She won't let go of her baby these days and is very protective. She knows a baby is sleeping in mommy's tummy, but I'm not sure she really gets what is going on. We are incredibly blessed that we will be in the States for the delivery and lucky to have Medicaid. It's a bit of a scare with Zika, but Austin and I were both tested while home and came back negative! Yay for us and our angels protecting us. Going to the doctor was a fun experience because we hadn't actually taken a pregnancy test to see if we were as we expected: expecting! Lucky for us, they dipped my stick for me and came back with the good news. Two days later, we had a healthy ultrasound of a 12-13 week fetus. And now I can hardly hide it. My pants don't fit and I'm happy to be in gym clothes. 

This 5th semester was a challenge in every way and why I laughed when I thought things were bad before. Poor Austin has had better days. For any medical student, class is enough to drown you. Austin has been remarkably able to take on huge loads besides and still stay the top of his class. This semester Austin was again a TA, President of AMSA, and finishing his research project on top of church and everything else. Needless to say, he had a lot on his plate; and that would have been just fine had he not been on his deathbed in the meanwhile. Three weeks into the semester, Austin came down with some weird gastroenteritis thing. He had an affair with the toilet and just couldn't break up. He tried, but after two weeks, just couldn't break up. For the rest of the semester he was completely sick: fatigued, nauseous with consequences, had no appetite, was achy, and got this huge rash. Everything looked bad. And it was. It's amazing he attended as much class as he did, and somehow he accomplished all the extracurricular responsibilities that were his. The picture above is from the research symposium at which he presented. Still, as super-human as Austin is, he is, in fact, still human. Unable to attend tests and school as needed, we are back in St. Kitts to finish strong in April.

The whole thing seems unfortunate- and it was financially- but ironically, it feels right. Heavenly Father has blessed us with a huge feeling of peace that surpasses all understanding that this is where we are supposed to be: in St. Kitts and together as a family. We have been incredibly blessed in every way. Our entire outlook has changed and we are completely happy with living in St Kitts at the moment. Life won't go on here, but we sure are content. 

Thanks to the missionaries and the kindness of our new landlords, we were lucky enough to end up in a new apartment for this last, last semester. We moved to Frigate Bay- the more touristy end of the island. Our new place is a dream. It's the third story of a complex with a beautiful view, complete with dishwasher, disposal, in-house washer/dryer, bedroom and bathroom for Eden, and real furniture to sit on. It's clean, bug-free, and so liberating. We are free to go outside, have a pool and grounds to explore, feel so safe, have great neighbors with the missionaries underneath us... I could go on forever. The fridge is big enough for groceries. The oven is big enough for not only 1, but 2 cookie sheets! The microwave actually fits what I want to fit in it. This place even has knives. It's really indescribably and like royalty compared to everyone else on the island. We really are undeserving and it's embarrassing how spoiled we are. The only thing that makes me feel somewhat better is hoping that we are helping the landlords with repairs and cleaning. It feels like we are on vacation every day. 

I still feel completely blessed to have lived in our last place in Camps. It was meant to be. But looking back, I don't miss it at all. Great things happened in that house: Eden grew up there. We have loads of funny stories and experiences living there, but I haven't looked back for one second. It is so nice to be out of there. We are much, much more grateful for this new place after living in the other, I must say. 

So we don't forget our old place... pictures to remember and remind us to always be grateful for what we have. 

 Good ol' Yaba had his birthday in November. He shared ice-cream with Eden and demanded a picture. We won't ever forget him even though I want to sometimes. Still, he was our guardian at that place and did a lot for us. 

Time for another smile to lighten the mood :) Eden is the best at that. 

What a girl- and mommy's girl too. She does her make-up with me; eyes, lips, cheese!
 Among all that happened last semester, one of the best things was watching our good friend, Trisha, get baptized. What seemed like a coincidence, was really not; her first day of work at the gym on campus was the first day that I decided to workout there. We've been friends ever since and now she is a faithful and diligent member of the church. It's been fun watching her learn and seeing her mind open, but I credit that to her humble attitude and open heart. There is no other word for it, but faith.  
Seemingly nothing, this deserved a picture because it was the first time besides my expensive birthday that we went out to eat. I had no idea that they would give us so much food!

I can honestly say the food court surprised me. It was a fun atmosphere and something new.  

This also deserved a picture. How is it possible to make a tile floor look so comfortable? 

I guess when you are exhausted, anything will do.

Frosting. That can only mean one thing. BIRTHDAY TIME! Eden's birthday, actually. And guess what color she wanted her cake to be? BLUE! What fun, can you tell? Yum...

And then we had to clean up. 

Eden's birthday was a big one to celebrate. Not only was she two, but it was the day we moved and the last time seeing the Hickmans before splitting ways. Our new friends, Megan and Josh were SO nice and spoiled Eden with presents before helping us move. Thank goodness they did! Austin was still sick and weak and we had two flights of stairs to carry all our hundreds of pounds up. Joanna was an angel and fed us dinner before having cake and ice-cream too. We have the best friends. Eden blew out her candles and had a great birthday; it was a pretty perfect day. 

The next day we went home. UTAH!!! Eden was a champ despite throwing up on the first flight. We didn't know what wing would hit first upon landing- it was that bad. She was a  doll sporting her new backpack, mismatching clothes, socks and sandals, and shoes that were too big. We were lucky enough to go home a few days early and make all our flights. 

Talk about spoiled. Eden made herself right at home and was birthdayed upon arrival. Grandpa and Grandma got her this fun kitchen set that kept her occupied the entire vacation. She loved it! 

It's a rare experience wearing a coat and boots, let alone any clothes, so we had to take a picture. Besides, she's just so cute!

This one is for dad. Austin was a boy scout making circuits, and a proud one at that. Look at the lights turn on! Go, daddy, go!

 Among all the fun, Eden got to see Santa Clause!! Grandpa Jack took us to see Santa and the Utah Symphony perform downtown. And that was just the beginning... we got to go to Kurt Bestor and the Celtic Women too. It was a first for Austin going to Abravanel Hall and the new Theatre. What spectacular performances and a great time we had! If that weren't enough, we were able to go to the Nutcracker at Capitol Theatre with the Gardenhires. What a wonderful time of the year!

No wonder Eden adores her aunts and uncles. 

It's awesome to have birthdays! And this year, Eden is old enough to open her own presents and blow out the candles by herself. It's more fun that way. 
Great Grandpa and Grandma Jack

  The family practiced their part for the Christmas program. Eden did the symbols and did pretty well.
You have to look at all of Eden's faces and then appreciate the good family picture we ended up with.

 It's Christmas. Need I say more?

Yes! I have to say more! Santa forgot one present in his bag and came to personally deliver it to Eden. How special! And he brought Elmo. There really is a Santa! And he is the best Santa there ever could be. 

Snow! White, cold, beautiful snow! 

Every kid needs a dad so they can have fun like this. Austin took Eden sledding and pulled her around the park on the "sleigh."

You'd never know, but this is a week later and still January. I love the cold, but there are perks to living in the Caribbean. And this is our new home. Could we be any luckier? Eden loves swimming and is getting really good at floating on her belly and blowing bubbles. 

 See? Bubbles! 

Bubbles in the pool... bubbles on the deck. She's good at them all. 

That's a wrap for now. Hopefully updates will be coming soon. Hugs from our family!