You know how they say 'a picture speaks 1,000 words?' It is a good thing because I'm going to need the help telling about the last 6 months. Yes, it has been that long. Blink and my baby is already half a year old!
So, here it goes.
First, to finish off our short stay in Maine. We really enjoyed our short stay in Maine. It was a different kind of beautiful, we were grateful to be back in America, and had visitors for nearly half our time there. The other half seemed to have been spent in the hospital or doctor's offices, but thankfully, we had great healthcare. I'm happy to say that we escaped our apartment without seeing any mice and completely suffocating from marijuana and cigarette smoke. And thanks to a lot of help, we made it home.
Living away from home (whether that mean Utah or the comforts of immediate family) has given me many chances to see the hand of God in people's lives. One of these experiences came as we prepared to move. Austin and I planned to sell as much of our acquired home- furnishings and appliances- as we could. In putting things up for sale, I was put in contact with a girl named Casey. Casey has 5 kids, ages 4 to 17, and somehow they lost everything they had. She told us that she would take everything we had to give. Long... long story short- and to after much stress on our end- we ended up giving her everything for free. We expected to get compensated, but she couldn't find a driver to help and put us in a pickle because we still had all our things the day we needed to fly out. BUT somehow it all worked out and her father-in-law was able to come clear out our apartment. I tell you this story because we were SO incredibly blessed in furnishing our house and so I prayed to find someone else to help out- to find someone in need to domino our blessings to. Oh boy was that prayer answered. Because I prayed, I knew that it was no coincidence that Casey was put in my path. Although at our expense and to much of my stress, it was a sweet experience to tell Casey that God is very aware of her and her kids, her circumstances, and all that she is going through. It also gave way for me to give her a Book of Mormon and tell her that it was the greatest gift I could share with her.
We finally cleared the house at 8:00 pm and somehow managed to clean the house and get to the airport at 3 am. And again- a blessing- thank heaven for home teachers that are awake that early to give us a ride.
Somehow we managed to NOT fly or travel on our anniversary this year. Instead, Austin finished his Exit exam the day before and we had a break. It may be the coldest anniversary we ever have, but a good one. We went to the mall and took Eden on the Merry-go-round before going to Chili's for dinner where I distinctly remember Eden and Adam falling asleep. It was like a real date. And oh yea- the chips and salsa are NOT free like we thought. It was pouring when we left. POURING! What a difference to Utah weather!
You can't tell, but the water is FREEZING cold. Brrr.
This is my Eden- a great sister! and darling at that.
At one last attempt to go boogie boarding we visited Higgins Beach as a family. It just so happened to be the day of the solar eclipse. We may not have been able to stare at the sun with our naked eyes, but you could see it through the frisbee!
Just like that, we are back on the plane and flying home to Utah. It's hard to think that we were so many places in the world. I have bitter sweet feelings thinking of the past and all we have been through- St. Kitts is a journey of itself, but Maine had just as eventful. We welcomed a new baby there, had a traumatic experience, and survived another semester of school.
Now I'm just hoping we can steer clear of flying for a while. Eden has her daddy's stomach. They were practically throwing up on each other on the plane. In fact, Austin was so sick I wasn't sure we would make our third flight. Thank goodness, somehow we made it: all four of us and our 15 pieces of luggage.
Recognize this? HOME! and FAMILY!
This is Adam's time. He is nothing like Eden; she was a perfect baby, but so is he. From the get-go Adam was a very content, mellow, and easy going baby. He is happy, wide-eyed, smiley, and very interactive. He is developing very quickly and I'd say proud of it. You can see the wheels turning in his little head and light bulbs flashing all over the place. Already at 5 months, he is rolling every which way, army crawling, pushing to his knees, and can run circles around the kitchen in his walker. I was shocked to learn that he is the 94th percentile for height and I'd like to add smarts too. Right now, he has developed this new voice- high pitched and somewhat like a dinosaur. He drools like crazy and chews everything- including food. He loves food. That's my boy. In fact, he hardly ever cried unless you take away his food. We just love him, Eden included. He's her best brother in the whole world!
We blessed Adam September 10th at home. It couldn't have been nicer. The Gardenhire's and Loitz's joined us with Grandparents. What a beautiful, intimate time, and perfect blessing. Austin is so sensitive to the spirit and spoke as a true Father.
Look carefully- this may be the last time you see Eden wearing long pants. Don't ask me why, but sh will not wear long anything or let me do her hair. We won't even start on Sunday.
I don't think we missed fall in Maine. Utah could not have been more colorful. It was gorgeous this year!
Hurry! Take a picture! Austin's not studying! Hello Cornbellies and pumpkins.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Love, Waldo and the Superheros
The seasons are changing all too quickly and so are my kids. Eden speaks like a kid twice her age and Adam is growing into a handsome little man. Look at how he fills the seat now compared to before!
We are so spoiled to be at home right now. It's the best time of year to be here with the seasons and holidays, but even more so with the family. I know we will look back at this time with fondness. It's wonderful to share Eden and Adam with everyone, and to have everyone loving on them. I feel like I'm on vacation every day with how nice we are living and joke that we have the penthouse suite. That beats the basement any day! The kids are spoiled beyond belief with toys and their beds, goodies and attention. And I love having more than one toilet.
Oh! I can't forget to mention our early Christmas present. Talk about spoiled: we are now the humble new owners of a sleek, Honda Accord.
The best part: I can finally drive it! Yay for learning stick.
Get to know Adam:
And we won't forget Eden: (She sings ALL THE TIME)