Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Skiboarding and snowmen

My family rocks. 

Seriously though. My kids are so cute! And they change daily. It's hard to capture every moment.  

I hope Eden always dances and is never afraid to sing. She is always doing one or the other. 
Wiggle, wiggle!

Adam is just like his mom. He LOVES eating. He loves it more when he can feed himself, but however it comes, it makes him happy. He's pretty good at his sippy cup and handles bread, crackers, and- yes- cookies really well.

These are kodak moments. 

Eden gave gymnastics a try this week. Again, she was so excited and told me there was too much waiting! I think she did just as much jumping up and down because she was so excited as she did in the class. 

Adam has a tendency to get excited too. About what? Sometimes food; sometimes mom; sometimes about nothing. I think he's just happy to be alive.

What happened to the snow and January weather?

Our week at the Cliff Lodge at Snowbird...

Eden is used to this, but normally we are on an island and not next to ski slopes.



or as Eden called it, "Skiboarding."

As you can see, Eden did not have her own snowboard or skis so I got to ride the lift up with her, help her get off, and then run down the mountain while she "skiboarded" with Austin.


The latest on ADAM:
He is a BUSY, busy boy. He is already climbing stairs and anything else he can find: the fireplace, chairs, drawers, or even a wall. I can't let him out of my sight for 5 seconds! He also loves toys- especially Eden's. He's learning how to tease and is getting pretty fast. He has started to chase Eden and likes to butt heads with her. The only way Adam seems to be contained these days is in his high chair with something to chew on. He's a good kid and so much fun. He likes to laugh and knows his family very well- especially mom. Although it's surely a coincidence, he is very good at saying "Mom" at all the right times.

Monday, January 1, 2018

It's a wrap- 2017

or as I've hear it said: 2K18

But first, to wrap up 2017. What a year! Full of good and bad, we are happy for all that life brings and teaches. We are most grateful to be in America again and especially to spend this time with family. 2017 has memories of disaster and fire yet screams of silver linings. We have a new addition to our family- a smiley, active, and wonderful little boy; plus an unforgettable time with uncles, aunts, and grandparents. 

Lately, pictures do a better job than I do, so here's the wrap...

Who's ready to get a Christmas tree?

Eden is! It's HER tree- or so she thinks. It is her birthday afterall.

It couldn't have been a better birthday. Eden celebrated her birthday with Gregory on Sunday, then with Grandpa and Grandma Gardenhire that night and Monday was the real deal! She woke up to streamers and presents, got to pick a Christmas tree, and then Grandpa Jack took us out for birthday ice-cream (which was yuuummmy!)

Adam thought so too :)

Somehow Eden blew out all her candles. We don't know how it happened, but poof! 3 years old.
She was so ecstatic at blowing them out that Eden didn't know what to do afterword. All she could say was, "Okay, now.... um. Okay, now...."

This was a busy week. Not only was it Eden's birthday, but Christmas season officially began. Thursday: Kurt Bestor

Saturday morning: Santa Clause and Utah Symphony

Saturday night: The Nutcracker
(and Eden got to come!)

Did I mention my kids love each other? And they are just too cute.

And then this happened:
Brandon got married!!! Happy wedding day!!!
Draper Temple 12/21/2017 

We are officially at that stage where it is near impossible to get a good family picture. Nobody looks at the camera at the same time anymore... or someone picks their nose.

Happy Christmas Eve!


Then came Christmas morning.
Eden decided to wake up around 9:30 and found that Santa ate her cookies!

A blue bicycle! Santa DID come! Just what she asked for.

Christmas was a success. Santa seemed to have come 3 times, and in some respects, he really did and was very generous to us all.

This is just a small taste of what we will miss when we move. I hope my kids are able to remember this time and the people that love her. "You can't catch me!" and singing around the house is common. Few minutes pass before Eden yells someone's name. Oh the fun!

The last bit of news-
ADAM is crawling! And oh boy does he crawl. He goes anywhere he wants and fast! He wants to run and I don't think it will be long. He also loves food and is becoming a momma's boy (which I don't mind).