
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fighting Over Marriage

Yesterday was a big day in history. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage nationwide. This is one of the most heated topics you will ever see. Posts are flooding Facebook, the news, and gossip is spreading. Even on our small island of St. Kitts, this is big news. It seems that everyone watches the United States, if not as an example, to criticize.

This is one instance that I am ashamed of my country and scared for its future. The signs of the times are most evidently before us. It is a time when 'iniquity is abounding' as prophesied and spoken of in scriptures. Iniquity: immoral behavior, aka. sinfulness, wickedness, and immorality. How obvious to those who are watching that we are becoming again like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

What strikes me most about this hot topic is the symbolism used to proclaim "pride." Too well recognized, the rainbow signifies support of the LGBT community or what people claim as equality. How ironic, that the rainbow is used to symbolize sin when it is the rainbow that God gave as His symbol to man that He would never again flood the earth. Are we not mocking God? Testing His limits? Pushing His buttons? It is as if we think that because He will not flood the earth again, we can do whatever we well please.

Here continues the battle. It is a never ending fight over marriage and for marriage. While there are those who will fight over what is marriage and what is pleasing to man, the rest of us will be fighting for marriage- marriage as defined by God and set forth from the beginning, with a man and a woman.

This is a battle continued from heaven, before this life. So it was over agency. Do you follow God's plan? or do you choose the latter? Here lies another one of Satan's traps to foil the Eternal Plan. Well, it doesn't work that way. Satan may be rejoicing today, but he will never win. Still, we fight for marriage. We fight for families. We fight for God's plan that allows us to live with Him and our Savior Jesus Christ.

It is ALL about the Plan of Salvation, the Plan of Happiness.


To learn more, study The Family is Central to the Plan of Salvation

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