
Monday, September 28, 2015

Koreans, cleanups, Conference, and pools

Hello to all! 

Another week has passed. Can you believe it?

With every passing moment, Eden is getting bigger, Austin is getting smarter, and I am... well, I am doing lots of things and trying hard to do more than just exist. It is easy to fall into the motion of doing nothing because nothing is on the calendar. In some respects, it is really nice to be able to go to the pool whenever, eat meals at my own convenience, and have time to take care of the house. At the same time, I realize that I was put on earth to do more than just breathe. Didn't one of the speakers at Women's Conference say something about that just last night? In order to do more than "just exist" I am eating up gospel material, working minimally, and finding small ways to serve. Being a Mom and a wife is worthy of existing especially, but like anything you can be passive and mediocre, or you can be present and stellar. I hope to always be the latter. 

You will be interested to hear that I saw a living replica of Sampson at the pool this week. I wish I got a picture. It was one of those moments where I couldn't believe my eyes and was almost embarrassed that I could not help staring. This man was about 50 years old, black, and had dreadlocks down to his knees. It was an incredible sight. To top it off, he was dancing like he was high and his maybe 3 year old grandson was growing hair just like him. 

Another time at the pool, I watched a family enjoy themselves from a distance. A happy of family with 4 kids, dressed modestly, happy and pleasant- they just looked LDS. And they were- I asked :) Isn't it awesome that even in the middle of the ocean, you run into people of your own faith? I love that we have a look about ourselves that says, yep, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. 

I was delighted to watch Women's Conference online last night. It felt like we were home. Surprisingly or not, I haven't been homesick really. The few moments of longing came from looking at the beautiful pictures of Temple Square of all things. At the same time, I am overwhelmingly grateful that the Spirit is the same here as it is there and that God is still my God and that the Church is one and the same. President Uchtdorf related a story around a picture of a pioneer happily skipping down the path even though it was sure to be difficult and full of trials. I imagine us to be much like that pioneer girl right now: happy despite our circumstances, which are still luxurious and blessed compared to most. 

Yesterday was supposed to be a Branch cleanup of the building. The Branch ended up consisting of Austin, me, Eden, the Presidency, and the Senior missionaries. Needless to say, it was a scanty show up. There are multiple reasons for this; however, I was grateful that we went to help out. I mention this whole situation because I appreciate the lessons learned from mom and dad (you). Despite how busy, inconvenient, afflicted, or whatever, they (you) never neglect duty and have taught me what it means to truly sustain our leaders and do what is right. `Thanks for that :)

The Branch President and his wife are from Korea. The wife loves babies and is always itching to play with, hold, and entertain the few that are at church. She sat behind us in church today- Eden fell asleep in the middle of Sacrament meeting; I handed her over to Austin and proceeded to stretch and crack my back. Seeing this, Sister Kim (the President's wife) came to the rescue. When church was over, she made me sit in a chair while she proceeded to manipulate, torque, and adjust me. Somewhat between a massage and a chiropractic fix, Sister Kim was exactly what you'd imagine a Korean to look like. Austin said she had her knee in my back while getting up on the chair with me and everything. Truthfully, I was scared she was going to break me.Two minutes later, she finished and asked me how I felt... Wow! That was extremely amazing! I honestly felt awesome, which is saying something because my back has not been the same since having Eden. I'm pretty sure there are underlying disc problems. Anyway, I am now a believer of this Korean magic. 

I am sure I am forgetting things- funny things happen all the time, but alas, you'll never know because I can't remember any more. 

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