
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rain, rain, come our way

Greetings from the island! We send our love and excitement for all that is happening back home. Happy Anniversary Grandpa and Grandma! It's remarkable for some to live 67 years, let alone be married (and married happily) for so long! What a wonderful cause to celebrate. We were delighted to hear that you were able to enjoy dinner with my parents and a nice week in Sun Valley. It sounds like a nice, relaxing trip. Oh, how it would be to sit by a fire! The thought of being cold and needing a jacket is merely a dream at present- one which we are all looking forward to seeing through come December. 

Never in my dreams did I ever imagine the boys in our family to be singers, but even that came true. I laugh every time I think the thought. It used to be that only mom sang the hymns at church while everyone else sat stone cold through the songs. Now Bryce is taking voice lessons from Gregory and Dad is singing in quartets. When did this all happen?! It is so fun seeing everyone grow up. As they do, I appreciate more and more that family is what this life is all about. There is no greater joy!

Eden is also growing up. It seems like she changes from one day to the next. Last week, just as mom predicted, she started her "dropping phase." With no warning, everything was, and is, on the floor. This week Eden decided it wasn't enough just to drop things; she wanted to know where they went. This led to her pulling herself up on the edge of the playpen. I'm having to watch this child of mine! She has climbed as high as her knees so that her arms and head are clearly over the edge. Don't worry- I'm always watching, a must because her next move is to straighten her legs and topple to the unforgiving tile. That is how she crawls too- with straight legs. For not actually crawling, this girl sure knows how to get where she wants to go. Eden mimics an inch-worm quite well; while prostrating herself, face and all, on the floor she somehow manages to hike her bum in the air and push herself forward. It's quite tricky. Additionally, Eden is learning to stand up with little help and has figured out how to play peek-a-boo. She now hides and tries to be found. 

Yet again, Eden has a runny nose, but I'm hoping that means teeth are coming soon. She has been oddly sucking her thumb and pulling on her hair and ears, so something is in the works. 

It seems I forgot to mention that Austin was hired as an Anatomy TA for this semester. You all should know that he was sought out by his professors in each class, every professor wanting him to TA for their subject. While other kids were competing to get chosen, Austin had first pick for whatever he wanted. His preference would have been to TA for Cell Biology because it would compliment his current classes the best and because it is of high interest to him; however, Anatomy paid twice as much. In the end, his lucrative side won over and he chose Anatomy. Thanks to his hard work and good grades, he has knocked off 1/4 of his tuition between his scholarship and TAing. Like mom says, it pays to be smart (and to work hard). 

I guess it also pays to be a deadbeat hypochondriac and/or a homeless jailbird as long as you have a good doctor too, but I wouldn't opt for the easy road in that situation. 

Anyway... I'm not quite lucky enough to send a letter without some bug story just yet, although I will say that my complaints are slim after reading that dad was used to 10-12 roaches in the kitchen in Maryland. We had an infestation of flying ants all in a matter of minutes. I just wish I noticed before I trampled them in my bare feet. (Dad- Austin and I both asked the same question: where about does one find Boric Acid?) 

My creativity in the kitchen is continually being challenged, but I have come off conqueror to even my amazement. Without living here, I probably never would have ventured to make homemade pancakes. You forget that it's possible without Costco Buttermilk Pancake mix. And... if you've never tried vanilla and brown sugar syrup, it's a must. I like it better than maple. 

Have another fantastic week! Cherish the cold for us! We have gotten more rain than usual this week, but it's still hot! Imagine me driving in a rain storm and it's so hot and steamy that I can't see through the windows. Can't roll the windows down because the rain is coming down so hard. Can't turn on the air because there is no such thing. Yikes! Don't worry,  somehow the windshield cleared up enough for me to see that dirt hill that I was driving up looked more like a river than anything a car should be on. Oh, St. Kitts....

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