
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Temple Marriage

I feel like I grew up- like many of us do- thinking that a temple marriage was going to be my happy ending. It's like any Disney Movie or fairy tale anyway.... two people fall in love, they get married, and they ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. That is the ultimate goal, right? Temple marriage?

Though the temple may and should be our ultimate goal, it surely is not the end or my life would have been over at 21. No, Temple marriage is just the beginning. It's the beginning to a new life and your true test of learning to become like Heavenly Father. 

There are things only a marriage can bring:

  • Authority to procreate
  • Forgiveness within the home
  • Omitting your will to a joint cause
  • Charity
  • How to give yourself to another and learning to be one
These goals sound much like the attributes of God and Jesus Christ, no?
  • Power of creation
  • Mercy and charity
  • Aligning Christ's will to that of the Father
  • One in purpose
If we are doing marriage the right way, it is the best way we can perfect ourselves and come closer to our spouse. It is like Elder Bednar describes; comparing marriage to a triangle with Christ at the apex and us and our spouse at the basse. If we individually come unto Christ, we become closer to our spouse. 

In the Book of Mormon, it describes how to find happiness. Those who were happy were part of a family. They "were married and given in marriage." President Gaust said, "Happiness in marriage and parenthood can exceed a thousand times any other happiness."

Why is that?

There is something wonderful about being loved and something so fulfilling about loving someone else. True happiness comes in knowing that love is permanent and will never end. 

It is a great comfort to know that nothing can interfere with my family's togetherness. Death means nothing to my family because we will always be together. 

A temple marriage unifies a couple because their goals are one and the same. They receive blessings together for this life and the next. You are able to realize your true potential with your spouse- only possible to those who marry in the temple. 

I have come to realize that Heavenly Father wants to bless us infinitely. BUT, he can only do that if we marry in the temple. This is because we do not have the ability to create on our own. We need, even as Adam, a helpmeet and a companion. So, without eternal marriage, we are stopping and putting a limit on our progression with otherwise is limitless. That is like saving your life's earnings to go on vacation and then never getting off the plane. You might have made it to your destination, but didn't open the door to see the adventures awaiting you. 

I love what Elder Cook says: "Our Father's plan is about families, symbolized by a great tree. For a tree to live and grow, it needs both roots and branches. We likewise need to be connected to our roots- our parents, grandparents, and other ancestors- as well as to our branches- our children, grandchildren, and other descendents."

There you have it. God's plan- the Plan of Happiness- is about families. The only way to grow our tree and keep it together is through the sealing power of the temple. Otherwise, we would all end up as nothing more than driftwood. 

My marriage means everything to me. It is my happiness, my peace, my comfort, and what empowers me now and in the heavens. I am grateful to be sealed to my best friend forever. I am grateful for the eternal perspective that will keep us together through good and bad. I am grateful for the higher law that the temple holds us to. And I am grateful to bear children under our temple covenant so they can be ours eternally too. 

Choose the temple. It's the best way and the only way. 

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