Christmas break couldn't have been better. It was magical.
We were welcomed to Utah with 2 feet of fresh snow and lots of family. What else could we have asked for?
Oh yeah. Presents! Somehow, Santa Clause found us twice!
First came Christmas Eve. The new Grandma Jack is continuing the tradition of giving out pajamas the night before Christmas. Lindsey caught on and was the first to change. Aren't these Jack's cute? and they must have been good this year because Santa sure spoiled them! Ahhh.... can't you just feel the fire in the background?
Eden's reaction was priceless. She got a baby doll that she just gawked over! Seriously, this girl wouldn't stop screaming with delight. Precious. Her other favorite thing? Chapstick.
Don't you just LOVE her face?

Austin is absolutely crazy, but crazy fun and funny. He couldn't wait to jump on the tramp in the snow. What he didn't realize was that the tramp was covered in inches of thick ice. That didn't stop him from running out in the snow barefoot and barechested- twice- because we didn't catch him on camera the first time.
We visited City Creek with the Gardenhire Family. It was Brrr... Cold! and wonderful. Isn't it fun to see Eden in a coat and boots? We also saw the lights at Temple Square and at the Draper Park where they have the Tree of Life, but didn't get pictures. Pictures just don't do the lights justice.
Austin isn't the only one who had fun in the snow! We got bundled up and took Eden sledding down the backyard. Weeeee!!! What a blast. Eden had a huge grin on her face the whole way down. Can you even see her face under all those clothes?

One day we are going to get one of these chairs and it is going to be awesome.

Look! The day finally came! I waited a whole year to take this picture! The cute ladies from my fitness class gave this to me at my baby shower and it finally fits! I couldn't wait until we got to the airport and it was cold enough for Eden to wear it. What do you think, do we look like twinners? That's my baby! You work it, girl!