
Sunday, February 14, 2016

To the top of Mt Liamuiga

You won't believe it! Austin took a break from studying and took us to climb the island volcano. When I say he took us, I mean he carried Eden the entire way. What a man.

Our adventure started Saturday morning when we loaded buses at the school to go to Kittitian Hill. One of Austin's professors, Dr. Mungli, arranged for a huge group of 51 people to hike Mount Liamuiga. He said the hike was moderate to hard according to his fitness level. I wasn't expecting him to be so fit! The hike really was pretty difficult. It wasn't terribly steep, though we did scale some pretty high slopes, but it was more technical. We were stepping over tree roots, climbing up rocks, using ropes and a ladder to get to the top and stooping under entire trees that had fallen. And Austin did all of that with a baby on his back (and front). I never could have made it carrying Eden. I'm so grateful Austin could handle it, and handle it like a champ. We would have slipped and she would have been jostled and banged up had I carried her.

We left at 7 am, started hiking at 8, finished at 1:30 pm, and were home around 3. Eden did awesome. She loved the entire thing and lasted on all the treats we brought to eat along the way. We even managed to change a diaper at the top. We took her out to stretch half way. She would have hiked the whole mountain by herself if we let her!

PS. Now you have seen a zebra in the jungle!

Don't let these pictures fool you. It's not this green anywhere else on the island.

Everyone made it! We wore Eden out. She managed to take a nap on the way up and crashed on the way down. Austin should have been the tired one. You go daddy!

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