
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Photo Blast

Well, I'm getting really good at letting time pass.

This covers half of Adam's life so far- a whole 6 months. He's still the same cute kid with his own little personality, but boy oh boy has he grown up a lot. 

Rewind back to January 2018....
This was dinner with the Gardenhires and back when Adam was most entertained by getting water from a straw and eating ice. Eden- she just likes to color. Can't you tell?

Everyone needs at least one of these pictures, no?

Family date night at PF Changs. What a treat. We never go out, but this was a Christmas present from Santa.

The snow fell by the foot this winter. We had to go sledding at least once and we just happened to con Grandma into going down the hill too.

Happy Birthday Daddy!
28 and looking great! You even blew out all your candles.
Everyone else enjoyed your birthday even if you didn't :)

This is to remind me that we got to tour our old house, which has been remodeled and updated. It's gorgeous in every way and I'd love to rebuild that home almost exactly the same. What great memories and how fun to see inside again.

Here's a look into Adam's personality: so easy going and so groovy! If there is a beat, he will feel it and show you how to move. 

Adam's first steps!
His first steps were at 9 months and he was walking unaided by 10 months. That's my kid! You better believe he runs now- chases Eden and teases me. Silly kid, he knows when he's in trouble too and starts a game of catch me if you can. Oh, and that laugh- it's still classically Adam.

This is the beginning of wrestling matches and a good relationship. I'm so glad my kids get along.

Lucky for us, we got to go to Arizona with my family for Lindsey's Spring Break. We had quite the adventure actually getting there; first, stopping in Las Vegas for one night; and then having the car break down in Kingman. Despite all the trouble (for Dad) we all had a grand time.

This is inside the mall where we were able to go to a magic show by Nathan Burton and then the Mentalist. We were living Austin's dream... except that I got sick in the middle of the show, the lady behind us threw up on Lindsey and me, and then I cut my finger on my razor that night. We just might have to go back and do it all again, but better.


Wouldn't you know it? The Easter Bunny even found us in the hotel in Las Vegas.

Eventually, we did make it to Arizona. And like I said, we had a blast!

Butterfly Wonderworld:

I think one of the reasons we love Arizona so much is that they still have Sweet Tomatoes there.
Our family loves buffets.

This trip truly was magical. Not only did we get to see the magic shows in Las Vegas, but we got to go to an intimate magic show in Arizona too. The Davis Circus of Illusion (if I remember). He was phenomenal. I mean, I enjoyed him every bit and more than Las Vegas and Austin got to go on stage! And this is Eden holding his parrot, Peaches, who was also part of the show.

In March, the Jordan River Temple was rededicated after being remodeled and closed for 2 years. This was great timing for us to be here and I was so excited to take Eden inside the temple. I think the coolest thing was seeing the rooms where I received my own Endowment and remembering the things I learned and experienced for the first time.

That laugh! Adam :)

We are most spoiled to be with family right now. 
You'd think these two were sisters!

Welcome to California! 
We were more than fortunate to go to Sacramento for Jake and Rachel Loitz's wedding. It's wonderful to see this family keep growing and with people we love so much.

Race day at Alta for Luke.
Eden won! ;)

This explains a lot. A LOT. Adam hits is head puposfully on everything. Now you know why:
For the laughs! HAHAHAHA!

Following after Grandpa and Grandma...
We sure love them!

There is a new splash pad in Draper by Grandma Alecia's house... fun!

Beep beep!

Thank you to the Hodges for Eden's new bike! She is getting really fast, always wears her helmet, and her baby has a front row seat. It couldn't be more perfect. 

Our kids and their Grandpas. <3 <3 <3

And thank you to Grandpa and Grandma Gardenhire. Now Adam has a bike to ride with Eden. 
Zoom zoom!

1 year old and so big!

Adam got his first official haircut from GreatClips on his birthday. Isn't he cute!? We probably cut about 2 inches off. The stylist gave Adam a sucker to distract him while she worked. Not surprisingly, we got very sticky and Adam came out with a good haircut and a full beard.

He may look more like a Jack, but this face is exclusively Austin (and Luke).

Cutler Family Reunion
June 16, 2018
@ Colleen's house (the old farm)

We cherish these moments. You never know how long they will last.

Lehi Rodeo! Yeehaw.
Despite Eden's picture, we had a great time. Austin loved the clown the most and Eden's favorite was talking to a Police Dog that drove a car and talked to her. He even squirted Matthew and then gave her a sticker. Between the music and animals, Adam was entertained the entire time.

As you can see, we have every reason to quote Grandma Jack.
"Aren't we blessed."

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