Once Austin gets to his second set of block exams, time flies. We can't believe it is already March! I have started to get in my own groove and can't get nearly enough done in a day. One of the additions to my schedule includes going to the school gym with another mom three times a week. Eden is a trooper and sits in her stroller while I exercise. She wants to do everything mommy does though. After watching me, she knew exactly what to do with the weight. It looks like it's her size, but boy is three pounds heavy when you only weigh 22! That's my girl! Eden was doing overhead presses and bicep curls nonetheless. Go Eden!

Austin's birthday was March 1st- like it is every year. Lucky for him, this was Leap Year, so his birthday was moved back a day. I say lucky because he would have had tests otherwise. It was a very Happy Birthday for him because he came home early from school. That never happens!
You can't have a birthday without cake and ice-cream, so that's what Austin got. It's about the only thing Austin got, but he is so easy to please and loves sugar, so it was a happy day. The store was out of candles so Austin got to blow out matches instead. Sadly, they wouldn't stay lit! After maybe 4 tries, I think Austin got to blow out at least one. None of them lasted through a song of "Happy Birthday" though.
You are seeing the same picture over and over again because it took that many tries to keep the match lit. Austin was nice and played along. He poses so well you wouldn't know otherwise.
Eden LOVES her baby doll. She doesn't get vary far without her these days. It's darling to watch her pat the baby's back, give her hugs and kisses, and feed her baby. She's really quite the good mini mommy, but it's trouble when Eden wants to bring the baby in the shower. The baby can't get wet and if the baby doesn't get wet, Eden doesn't want to either.
Eden's other new favorite thing is coloring. She loves her little chalkboard from Grandma Cutler and anything that will draw. That includes the walls and her hands. It's amazing how fast they figure that out! It keeps me on my toes.
It has been raining a fair amount lately. It's beautiful! We love it even more because it cools down the weather. I can't believe it, but we actually put on jackets to go for a walk one evening. I'm not sure that will ever happen again so we had to take a picture. Kisses from us!

Anyone remember the story of the Hungry Caterpillar? Does this guy look familiar? I noticed these caterpillars in our backyard. Over maybe two days these caterpillars went from being three inches long to doubling in size. The picture doesn't show how HUGE they are, but these bugs are almost 6 inches long. Hungry Caterpillar was right!

The mom that goes the the gym with me cam over with her kids one afternoon to make cookies. Those never last very long. Yum! That's our week in a wrap. Church keeps us busy- I taught three lessons today. I guess that's expected in a branch. Primary, Sharing Time, and Temple Prep are all in a row. Austin had an early morning EQ meeting too, so we were at church for over 5 hours. I love it all. Truly, I love teaching and the chance to study. There's an added spirit when preparing as a teacher that brings so much clarity to topics. But Oy! 5 hours is a long time for anybody, so go Eden! She is a super baby to last that whole time. The school had their regular Sunfest party at the beach this weekend too. I should have gotten pictures, but totally forgot! It's not very often that Austin gets a break to play. He would have been happy sleeping in, but I made him come with us and we all had a good time. He was able to play volleyball and throw around a football besides enjoy the gorgeous scenery. It's much prettier than when we arrived on the island. The Atlantic side was feeling the storm too, so we witnessed the thundering clouds and harsh waves on the drive. Amazingly, you couldn't even tell on the opposite side of the peninsula besides slightly colder water. The longer we live here, the more we realize what a rare and awesome opportunity it is to live here. Our circumstances may be humble and there might be things to complain about, but when isn't there. There is much wisdom in being grateful for all things. We are happy, healthy, and oh so blessed!
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