
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Midnight snack, anyone?

Another week has passed. Can you believe it? Tomorrow marks the half way point for Austin's first semester in medical school. We have been here two months today- Austin's second set of block exams go all day tomorrow. 

While he is studying hard, each day is like vacation for me and Eden. We really are lucky to be in the situation in which we enjoy. Not many people have the chance to be a stay at home mom like me, and definitely not at this stage at life. Most people look forward to retiring in a place like the Caribbean; here we are in our 20's doing just that. Now that we have a car, the world is ours to explore. The island is now at my demand rather than me being at the mercy of others. It's great! 

We took complete advantage and had lots of adventures this week. The Marriott has a good section of the pool that is only 6 inches deep with fountains that is perfect for entertaining Eden. We also made it to the island park, which is amazingly impressive, even compared to the States. It is very colorful and quite big. They have space for a good 50-100 kids to play comfortably, I'd say. They also have an adult "playground" off to the side designed for the parents to use to exercise while their children play. I even found a few things appropriate for Eden to enjoy. I was dismayed, however, to find that I was not allowed to enjoy the playground. I got in trouble by a local for climbing on the playground. All I wanted to do was take Eden down the slide! One of the other moms told me not to listen to her because, as it has been the custom, it is just like the locals to parent each other and have an opinion about everything you do and then boss you around. Well, I got in trouble with the same lady later for trying to ride a see-saw with Eden. Apparently, she had more authority that we both thought and must have worked at the park. It will be something to look forward to when Eden gets to the walking stages. For now, I was more disappointed that I couldn't play too. It didn't help that while my fun was ruined, I discovered that the grass was infested with nasty biting ants. SO even though I didn't sit on an ant hill this week, they still found me. 

We of course had our regular gatherings with the mom at the pool and did the routine grocery shopping. too. 

Things are going quite well, all considering. 

I taught my Primary today and will teach sharing time next week. The kids are just wonderful and our lesson went very well. I taught about the First Vision. We ended up talking about Satan a bit because of his part binding Joseph's tongue as he prayed in the grove. After talking about Satan, the 7 year-old girl in the class said, "I'm beginning to not like Satan very much." I thought it was funny; the other little boy went off explaining how Satan is a snake so we also talked about how Satan never got a body and is jealous of us because of it. I really enjoyed teaching though and look forward to being in Primary.... other than the meetings. 

Well, its almost midnight our time and Eden is just finishing her midnight snack. Crackers are a new favorite! It's been fun to see her rapid development with feeding her this week. In letting her feed herself, she has been able to figure out the juxtaposition and grabbing of her thumb.

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