
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Matthew 3

Here we learn of John the Baptist- one who was foreordained and prophesied. I found it interesting to learn that Elizabeth, John's mother, hid him in the wilderness so he would not be killed due to Herod's decree to slay all children under two. Zacharias, John's father was martered because he would not tell where his son was hiding. Once again, my theory on opposition stands.

Verse 9 stands out to me. (9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.) John is talking to the Pharisees and Sadducees about their right to baptism. He explains that they are not saved on account of birth or status, but on their works and covenants. Just like the branches of the olive tree can be grafted in and can produce good fruit, so can all men be "grafted" into the fold of God. As we are baptized we covenant to take His name upon us. Even so, it is like being adopted into His family, or Abraham's family as it is noted here. 

We learn from Christ that baptism is part of "fulfilling all righteousness." Thus, we see that there are steps we have to take and physical acts- called ordinances- that we must take part in so that we can return to God. Baptism is more than just being forgiven of all our sins, for Christ had no need to be forgiven of sin. 

From this account we also learn that baptism must be by immersion if we are to follow Christ's example:"he came straightway out of the water." 

Christ's baptism may be the only time, that I am aware, where the Godhead is present together. What a beautiful picture, imagining Christ emerging from the water as the Holy Ghost falls present and the Father watching from heaven, beaming with joy in His son. Undeniably, God, the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings.  

John the Baptist held what we call the Aaronic Priesthood- the power of the God and laying on of Hands. We know that this Priesthood was lost soon after Christ left the earth, but was restored again in 1829. When John the  Baptist himself returned to restore this power, he taught that the Aaronic Priesthood gave power of three things, which power come by keys:

  1. keys of ministering of angels
  2. keys of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins
  3. keys of the gospel of repentance
It is evident that John did indeed hold the keys to the Aaronic Priesthood. To be a ministering angel is to be a missionary. It is to declare the word of God and invite all men to repentance as John did (Matthew 3:2-3).

We know him to baptize by immersion and to have the authority to do so, for why else would Christ come to him to be baptized?  
I think it wise to note that baptism is one of the first things mentioned in the account of Matthew and in the New Testament. From here, Christ started His work and ministry. As it was for Him, we must also take that first step to make our way back to God. 

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