Sunday, November 15, 2015

Special Visitors

What a wonderfully busy week had here on the island. The highlight was, hands down, having mom and dad visit. We can honestly say that was the most anticipated day since before coming here. Technology is a miraculous blessing. We are most grateful and lucky to Facetime/Skype, email, and send pictures back and forth; but nothing compares to the real thing. Having mom and dad visit was much like the reunion I imagine in heaven: greatly awaited and joyous! I never thought I would cry at the sight of a cruise ship yet there I was, driving down the hill to the Port with tears in my eyes and all chocked up at the sight of my parents- the first off the port. It was a beautiful sight to see them waving, happy. (not yet sweaty,) and running to get past the gate to give Eden and I hugs. See? Heaven. It does exist, even here in St. Kitts.

The best part of the entire 8 1/2 hours was just being with mom and dad for 8 1/2 hours, but hopefully they had some fun too. We were able to show them a little bit of downtown Basseterre, Wingfield (an old rum factory, which I mistakenly remembered as a sugar manufacturing plant), Brimstone (St. Kitts' battle fort and historical sight), and our house, where we had lunch. Afterwards, we were able to take mom and dad on a tour of Austin's University, and Frigate Bay, including the Marriott and St. Timothy Beach. That about sums up the entire island, or anything worth seeing that we could drive to. I was just happy to show mom and dad where we live and what we talk about all the time. They were able to meet the important characters often mentioned. Yabba taught them a new "Peace, Love, Happiness" handshake; you'll have to ask them to show you. They also met Troy, the guy who sold us our car. The consensus was that we got ripped off, but I smiled inside when mom met him and innocently said she was so glad he was there to keep fixing our car for us. Yes, yes indeed. AND they met our caretaker Pearl, who came by to deliver our new mattress. A new mattress!! Ah! Austin and I now feel like we are in a hotel instead of a cave floor. It's awesome. Good thing dad was there to help lift the mattress onto our bed and mom came all that way to make it for us. One thing I have learned: parents will always be parents. And boy are they the best!

Dad hopefully has all the pictures to show. There are some good ones! We found out that as underdeveloped as St. Kitts is, it was the most developed of the islands thus far that mom and dad had visited. It was nice to hear that we are living well comparatively. They said our streets were wider and not as steep. It's hard to believe, but like I said, good to hear. Being the 4th or 5th stop, the shock wasn't as big as I expected when driving mom and dad around.

I'm sure they will fill in the rest of the details. As for us, it was a great day.

The young men and young women invited me to come talk about how to be healthy for their combined mutual activity on Tuesday. I was happy to do a short presentation and then a demo exercise class with them. What a funny sight...

Austin volunteered to help at a health fair given to the locals as part of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA). It took all day Saturday. Though he said it was HOT in his scrubs and lab coat, it was a good experience. Eden and I cleaned the church while he was gone. Well, I cleaned and Eden roamed the halls in her walker. We made a good team. I have to brag for just a minute here: I killed a cockroach. I had no choice but to do it myself because Austin wasn't there and only one other person was in the church with us. There were two cockroaches in the Primary room. One was dead and the other looked dead, but I have learned from Austin never to assume. Good thing. I poked it with the broom to find it wiggly and alive. You can imagine me trying to smash it with the broom and missing every time- not completely, but I couldn't seem to hit it with the hard part of the broom. That's when the dumb thing flipped over and started running. There's no way I wanted it anywhere Eden nor did I want to lose it or have it chase me. That was enough motivation to act fast and aim perfectly. With one big whack I killed that thing. I not only killed it, but I decapitated it. Guts smashed and the head went flying in the other direction with the antennas still waving. I'll teach you to mess with me.

Our Primary Program was today during Sacrament meeting. It turned out really well as I had anticipated. Since I was in charge of the program, Austin was in charge of Eden. What a good dad. He kept her quiet and happy the whole time! Cute thing even helped the kids sing some of the songs. Her favorite- and loudest voice was heard- in the song "Follow the Prophet."

Eden has figured out how to climb our one stair and is getting pretty brave. She almost feels invincible yet still knows some sort of limit. Just maybe she will be walking by the time we see you all next month!

I forgot to share a cool experience that happened last week-
Yabba and another man were talking on the awning just outside our door. I could only make out so many words, but those I could decipher included sin, wickedness, and creation. I assumed that they were arguing over religion. My theory proved to be right when I went outside and interrupted their discussion, which really was more like an argument. I asked if they were talking about religion, to which they said yes. Then I asked if they could read, to which they answered, 'of course.' So I handed them both a Book of Mormon and explained that it would answer all their questions. Austin about died with how bold I was. We might just get the name of being religious zealots with my behavior lately.... So I thought it was pretty cool to give out two Book of Mormons. The next day Yabba proceeded to tell me that he gave his copy away to another guy who was there and wanted it and asked if I would get him a replacement. How awesome is that!?Who knows if anything will come out of it, but it feels so good to think that I just might be introducing more truth and light into these guys' lives. I love the quote, "He (God) has no hands, but ours." I've always trusted that God's work and wonder would indeed go forth and fill the whole earth, but it isn't until recently that I have taken that charge personally and realized that we have a responsibility to make sure that happens.