Three months in and it's finally time to tell about Maine. We are practically native by now! Well, at least one of us is.
We made history and booked a hotel for our overnight layover in Charlotte. The thought of carrying 13 pieces of luggage plus Eden and my big belly through customs, to the hotel, and back again, was more than daunting. Talk about a tender mercy- the airport workers were amazing there. Though we were told that we were not allowed to check our luggage after going customs, two girls grabbed a warehouse cart and personally hauled our luggage off the belt and through customs and checked it for us, leaving us hands free and with more time to sleep in the hotel, giving us the chance to eat breakfast and catch the shuttle in the morning. It worked out great.

And we did I mention we have awesome friends? I mean AWESOME. They took every worry out of coming to Maine. Lyle came to pick us up at the airport. Thank goodness for him and their SUV for all of our baggage. Him and Joanna put us up for a couple days while they pretty much furnished our house for us. Being 7 months pregnant, I am grateful. And I must say, it was the easiest move I can imagine seeing as I didn't lift a finger and since Joanna organized the whole bit. I don't know anyone in the world besides that woman who could find everything she did and arrange for it all to be picked up on the same day. Thanks to her we ended up with 2 mattresses, 2 rocking chairs, 2 couches, a kitchen table and 4 chairs, and a desk/chair- all for free. The rest of our house was finished after a few trips to Goodwill, DollarTree, and Walmart. Not bad to furnish an entire 2 bedroom house for $300. Not bad at all.
So before the fun of furnishing began, we were privileged to have personal tour guides; initiation began as we braved the bitter cold and visited our first lighthouse(s): Two Lights. Man, was it cold. And in April, the waves were still crashing on the rocks and creating huge white caps. The water was fierce and deep, dark blue. It was beautiful. Just breath taking. I'm glad we saw it before summer came a few weeks later and calmed the seas. So here we are, happy to be on American soil and freezing cold- trying to embrace our inner-Maine spirit.
So Maine... I don't know if I can say there is really a culture as a whole, but there areas with their own distinct characteristics and people. Take downtown Portland for example; very diverse, very liberal, and catered towards adult activities- lots of smoking, artsy stuff, and tattoos. We were told something similar for Old Orchard Beach- that you don't fit in there unless you have a cigarette and a tattoo. As for our neighborhood? I'd say it's nice unless you look too close. It's rough around the edges and everyone and their dog smokes. It's a kid-full, pets everywhere, smoky kind of neighborhood. Lucky for us, we have the best neighbors on both sides of us. It's again, a very diverse neighborhood, so much that I almost feel like the minority once again.
Edens favorite thing about this place- the park. And yes, it was so cold when we first got here that we bought Eden a coat. It's been well worn for being spring and summer. PS. Daddy always makes everything more fun. Weeeeee!!!
The last day of break before Austin started school we opted to have a little Maine fun. It was a horrible day to go out, but that's just Austin's luck. He is so unlucky with the weather that it's predictable. This is us at Fort Williams. This is Austin and Eden trying hard to hide every bit of skin that heaven gave them. B-rrrrrr!
Park? Did someone say park? Let's pretend it's not so cold for just a minute.. only a minute. It was fun while it lasted until they couldn't feel their hands.
This is the last bit of our adventure... a burnt down mansion that turned into housing for soldiers. If only I could remember what it is called.
The day after going to Fort Williams was the day that we had the horrible accident with our oven and Eden catching fire. So the next picture is to jump forward to how beautiful my daughter still is and the miracles of healing, angels, and prayer. It doesn't take long before your trials become a fleeting memory. Look at her smile!

South Portland hosted a Kite Day at one of the lighthouses called Bug Light. Lucky for us, I actually read the paper and saw it advertised. What a good thing I did. The first thing that Eden still talks about is this fire engine. Yep, she got to sit in it. So cool. And it gets better. A kite day, it was. Look closely in the pictures below and you will be able to see hundreds of kids soaring above.
But this was the main attraction.
Who thought we'd ever see a giant octopus fly?
Amazingly, somehow this 100 foot long, $15,000 octopus kite was able to get airborne. What a sight. It flew alright, but like any kite it rose and fell with the wind, making it a game to chase the legs... or be chased! Just ask Eden. He story goes something like this: "We seen a big octopus and I screaming AHHH! and octopus legs got me!"
Twice a year the lighthouse is open to the public and today happened to be one of those days. Hooray for us, we got to climb the little Bug Light! The line was pretty long so Austin and Eden played on the rocks while we waited our turn.
Somewhere I have pictures of the actual lighthouse and view... but for now, just look at the water and my cute family :)
We had a great time with Uncle Gregory- the favorite for the time being ;) He was a great help and the best of buds to Eden while he was here. She loved having a roommate too. I would say his vacation was very low key, but we did have a bit of fun while he was here despite me being so pregnant and the weather not cooperating. You'll notice that we are back at Fort Williams. You just have to go there with everyone because it's the touristy thing to do. Gregory was able to carry Eden down a cliffside to the ocean. Oh boy. Here comes her love of rocks. She brought back a souvenir rock and won't let it out of her sight! It's her lighthouse rock. Good memories of Maine and Gregory!On Austin's day off we made it down to Old Orchard Beach. It poured on us, but we still managed to walk out on the pier. Lucky for us, it was still technically the end of the winter season (even though it was Memorial Day weekend) so no one was there.
Eden was hilarious! She was so focused on watching the waves through the planks that she had to baby step one board at a time. It was a little eerie though, I agree.
Old Orchard Beach is comparable to the Port Zante of St. Kitts. In other words, it is a port with local souvenirs and stuff. Much of it was closed, but we were able to go in to this awesome Disney/Willy Wonka candy store. That was eye candy (ha!) and really hard for Eden to keep her hands off! The great thing about uncles and brothers visiting is that they spoil you... thanks for the fudge Gregory! Oh, and dinner. And for paying for parking. You can come visit anytime.
And then we went to the beach.

This needs to be remembered in the books. Eden is just too cute. She came up her own magic trick by herself! If you can't tell, she put her pacifier under the blanket and made it disappear. Not bad for a 2 year old, eh? (Click here for the video)
An epidural and 5ish hours later, here comes Adam, our sweet baby boy. He was so content, very peaceful and patient, happy as could be until they circumcised him. Why boys have to suffer through that is beyond me. Glad I'm a girl.

And here we are enjoying our Medicaid paid "hotel" room. Even Eden got to stay overnight in the hospital with us. Family sleepover!
We managed a few days on our own and then Grandma to the rescue! I regret not taking more pictures, but Grandma Gardenhire became Eden's new best friend for the week- and mine. Thank you for the clean house and babysitting!
After making her slave away doing my chores we played tour guide at, guess where?
Look closely and you just might find Waldo :)
There they are! What an awesome Grandma. Eden wanted so much to play in the rocks and Grandma said yes, so she carried Eden all the way down the rocky cliff in flip-flops. I don't think too many grandma's are that cool (or in shape).
This lucky girl got to go to the park every day with Grandma. Such fun!
It was an appreciated and wonderful few days with Grandma Gardenhire and soon after, more of our favorite people showed up on our front door! We are so lucky that everyone was willing to travel to the tippy top of the country to see us.
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The Children's Garden at Fort Williams |
Does this look familiar? Higgins beach was worth visiting again. So we did. This time, with different company. Things are always so fun with dad. H taught Eden how to run away from the waves!
And this is a moose. No, not my husband... Lenney, the chocolate moose- 1700 pounds of it! Would you believe that this is our first family picture too? Oh dear, says Eden. Not a deer, a moose!
You're looking at a great babysitter right here... and a crazy good aunt.
From a different angle, this is OOB (Old Orchard Beach). You're looking at the Pier. And a crazy bunch of people, including my Austin who was brave enough- and yes, crazy enough- to go boogie boarding in the 40 degree water. He was numb for hours, nonetheless, caught some good waves!Don't worry- Eden's just sad because we got a parking ticket. Luckily, that ended happily at the police station. |
Awe... I loved it too, buddy.
Happy 4th of July! This is Bug Light. If you ask me, I think the name is fitting. We were in between fireworks and parties, but we enjoyed a wonderful stroll around the park anyway and caught fireworks from inside our house with oven-made s'mores later. With a newborn and dad with a final the next day, I'd call it a success.
Hey there :) |
This was another rainy day. Why? Because Austin was off school, of course! What was supposed to be a beach day turned into a drive around Maine day. We checked out Kettle Cove, which I would say was a let down, but Austin and Lindsey explored in the rain and found washed up Jelly Fish. And yes, Austin had his revenge. With a stick. We also made it to Two Lights and saw a flock of wild turkeys along the way. Huh.
We made it to the Children's Museum for the $2 Friday night and oh boy am I glad that we had Grandma and Lindsey there. Eden got to ride in a fire truck, drive a car, play doctor, go in a lighthouse and rocketship, climb on lots of things, and play with these awesome ball tracks.
Happy Adam. He loves his daddy! |
His hair! |