
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Baby Blast: Welcome Eli Barry Gardenhire


Our family just wasn't big enough and someone was excited to come into this world. Although Austin and I weren't exactly trying for a baby, nor did we think we were ready for another one, Heavenly Father knows just what we need and when we need it. 

My prayers were answered in reverse. I kept asking for Heavenly Father to bless us to progress and become independent so we could keep growing our family. Ha! Just goes to show what's more important.


Eli Barry Gardenhire joined our family on 9/19/19
7 lbs 2 oz
20 inches long

Our little boy was one hour short of being full term. Born 36 weeks, 6 days, and 23 hours. Contractions started early that day, like 2 AM early, and then stopped by 6:30. By 4 pm things picked up again. We got to Lone Peak Hospital by 9:02, just after the doors had locked. It was a little strange to be standing outside alone and in labor with no way in. We eventually found our way to check-in where the computers wouldn't load. (Great. That's just what an expecting mom wants to hear.) An hour and a half later we had a baby. 

 He came out screaming and with all ten fingers and toes. Though all of my deliveries have been great, this one was exceptional. I had an awesome team that knew tricks to help relieve the pain from contractions and prevent me from tearing. Recovery was a breeze! 

Being a "premie" the nurses had to check his blood sugar until it reached a certain level enough times in a row. Uck. Poor baby got poked, poked, and re-poked so many times that his heels were purple and blue. What a trooper though- he barely winced. 

It's always a sweet time in the hospital. Just Austin, me, and our new baby (plus all the hoards of nurses and personnel that often bombard you). Austin is so sweet with newborns and is automatically protective and drawn to them. Everyone says that Eli looks just like Austin. I agree. He has more of a Gardenhire look although he increasingly mimics Adam without the prominent eyebrows. 

We are blessed to have such a supportive, adoring family to visit: Alecia, Sara, Brandon and Bayley, Mitch, Collette, and Liam, Mom, Bryce, Matthew, Lindsey, Gregory and Katie, and Dad. Alecia brought Eden and Adam to meet their new brother the next morning as they had stayed the night. Eden and Adam were so lucky and excited to have a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa Gardenhire. What a fun time! How nice it is to have family in abundance to help. (Ironically, my mom was scheduled for a colonoscopy the next day and wasn't able to help because of the preparation.) 

Eden and Adam seemed timid and even afraid of the new baby. We later found out that Eden was grossed out by his funny looking belly button with the umbilical cord and clamp. Once that fell off, she took to her new brother like to her dolly. Both are excellent siblings: kind, gentle, and even somewhat quiet at first. Adam loves to give Eli kisses and butterfly hugs to his head. He is so loved. 

As usual, it takes forever for us to decide on a name. It's hard enough to decide on one, but two?! We were thinking James, Seth, and Eli won after all. I am so glad. We waited to decide "Barry" until asking Austin's dad. He was so flattered. In fact, it was a really tender moment when we asked him. He got teary and so did Alecia in thinking we would honor him that way. It was a tradition for generations to pass on the father's name as a middle name, but it stopped with Austin, probably in part because of poor relationships. We are happy to make up for the past. 

A family of 5

Look at all that hair!

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Cutler.
Grandma always makes you feel like a million bucks and that your baby is the most precious thing to ever happen.

Eli was born Thursday night. We had one day to recoup in the hospital and were discharged Saturday morning just in time to make it to the temple for Mitch and Collette to be sealed. What a wonderful, wonderful day.

Our little angel

Eli was blessed on December 1st by Austin and surrounded by family in our home.
The Gardenhires (Barry, Alecia, Brandon, Bayley, Mitch, Collette, Liam, Luke, Sara, Amy), Loitz's (Mark, Diane, Alyssa, Chandler), Cutlers (Lynn, Margaret), Grandma Jack, Maddy and Aaron and Jill, and the Jacks (David, Gayle, Matthew, Gregory, Katie, Bryce, Lindsey) were all present. (Bolded names were in the circle along with Bishop Walbeck.) 

Eli couldn't have behaved more perfectly. Austin and Barry said they peaked in the middle of the blessing and say Eli smiling. Alecia said the spirit was so strong when Austin was speaking about Jesus Christ. Until this point, Eli often seemed a bit discontent from an upset stomach and getting used to life. From the blessing forward he has become a new baby- smiley, content, and happy with being here. 

Some of the key things that Austin said in Eli's blessing included (paraphrased from memory): 
Since day one, you have been full of emotion and have been able to mimic... I bless you to find joy and mimic the happy. Since day one, you have had a temper... I bless you to control your temper.. that will keep doors open along with being happy... You have and are part of a strong family... be generous like your grandfathers and kind like your grandmothers. I bless you with knowledge, to grow physically, and to stand for Christ... Know that your family loves you and above all else, Jesus Christ loves you.

Eli and his papas: Austin, Barry, and David

We come from an amazing heritage, blessed to have righteous men who hold the priesthood and exercise it well in our home.

Three generations of Gardenhires

Brandon, Barry, Austin, Mitch, and Eli

Gardenhire Family: all 14 of us

"Grandma Alecia" with Eli

Eli is now almost 4 months old and is as happy as a baby could be. He smiles so big that his face bursts with joy and seems to laugh inside. He even laughs out loud these days. We have found his tickle spots and know what makes him happy, which for the most part is simply seeing a happy face.

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