
Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Start of a New School Year and End of 2018

This is Eden's first day of preschool, which means the beginning of a lot of years for mom: early mornings, a real schedule, homework, and whatever else follows. I guess a real bedtime should be part of that too, but we are still working on that. 

You better believe that blanket goes with Eden everywhere. It's a bit like Lindsey's thumb and almost as hard to chop off.

1st day of preschool at Bellview Elementary
Teacher: Manal Issa
"Ms. Manal"

There's Eden waving goodbye. It was like she didn't even care that I was leaving. I remember calling Austin and telling him it was too easy and that I wanted her to miss me. Ha! It WAS too easy. Every day after that was a bawling mess of "Don't leave me! I'll miss you!"

We love preschool. They are so good to Eden and she is so smart and has lots of friends. Each day, Eden checks in, brushes her teeth and washes her hands, then practices writing and tracing. They have circle time where Ms. Manal reads a book and then they have breakfast in the cafeteria followed by playtime outside or in the gym. They always have a learning time and free time- Eden loves to do crafts- and then it's time for lunch! While the kids wait for their parents to come they have music time, which is always fun to watch. 

Austin worked at Black Turtle Services for a while and did really well there. His work sponsored a family day at the Children's Discovery Museum... we like Daddy's work!


As much as I would love for my kids to have cousins, having all the attention from so many aunts and uncles is the best thing to ever happen to a kid.

It's Halloween!

Man, we did well with our pumpkins this year. 
Guess who?


"I am Moana!"

And these kids are super. A superhero and super diver. 

So, Adam. He has been my bottle baby, but not from the start! I nursed him for a good long time, 12-15 months. And then, AFTER he knew what a sippy cup was and after he was weaned, I got desperate. Adam would not fall asleep and so here it was born- a bad habit and new addiction.

Maybe it's the milk? 
Or maybe he's just strong like his mom ;)

If anyone knows Eden, you know she loves to sing.
She also does a really good impression of Louis Armstrong singing Beauty and the Beast.

Austin, meet Katie.
Thanks to Katie's dad we got to go see Andrea Bocelli. 
Austin was in love (and so was Gregory!)

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

(Pictured below with Eden, Adam, and Lindsey is Carolina- our foreign exchange student from Germany and adopted sister/aunt for the year.)

Eden's #4 birthday!
She's only a little excited. Can you tell?

The Nutcracker with the Gardenhires

Gingerbread houses!
I'm not sure what ended up with more candy, the house or Eden and Adam.

Thanks to Grandpa, it's become a tradition attend "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" at the Utah Symphony. Ho, ho, ho!

Christmas jammies!

and presents!!!
It's a box.

Eden goes wrip

We had tons of snow this year and Eden did not let it go to waste. She made snow men, lots of snow cones, played on the deck, and went sledding. We are so blessed to be so cared for in every way. We feel the love of Heavenly Father as evident as we feel the love of our parents each and every day. 

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