Friday, January 17, 2020

2019 Recap

You never can guess what life will bring- the good or the trying.

No matter how trying or unsure things have been, I am grateful for many, many things. I'm firstly grateful that our challenges are mine. I hope to become a diamond after our refiner's fire and feel so blessed to have the joy of my kids and the support of family. I feel it is because of my good parents that we have stayed afloat.

It has been our privilege to stay in my parent's home the past while. Although it becomes a joke that none of us are ever going to grow up or move out (and I mean none of us because there are 10 of us at home... once 11 or 12), it has been a most treasured experience. 

After being raised 18+ years under the roof of my parents, I still have more to learn from them. I am in complete awe of their utter selflessness, sacrifice, and generosity towards all men and women. Their love extends far beyond the walls of their home. I have loved seeing their interactions with my own kids- the patience and tender moments of teaching, singing, reading, and making silly faces. They always seem to know how to turn a frown upside down and make light the teary situations. I am encouraged to be a better and kinder mother by being here. I hope to never forget the moments of my mom rocking my babies and talking to them like a real human, only angelical; how my kids run to grandpa's office to get endless stickers; how grandma always has some sort of sugar stashed somewhere for my kids- and they know it; how Adam goes to my dad and says "Ahhh" and waits for a spray of butter; how Eden and my dad have their own language they speak; how Adam likes to sneak out of bed to stay with grandma and grandpa; we are so lucky.

We stopped in Las Vegas on our way to Arizona. Austin wrapped Adam up and he loved it. So funny.


sleeping like a lady...


run away!

Easter Sunday

just like Lindsey

last day of  the first year of preschool for Eden

Adam takes after Grandpa Gardenhire:

Adam's #2 birthday
(He's missing a finger)

Grandma Gardenhire took us to Cowabunga Bay where Sara worked.

all in a row
a bucket! who could ask for more?

a natural

At the Draper splash pad

Family hike to the bridge. We made it! 
Eden and Adam walked almost the whole way there. We piggybacked the way home.

Cutler family reunion

The married bunch of Gardenhires

Look! a double stroller

Eden took swimming lessons for the first time!
Her teacher, Lily, said she did awesome and was her favorite student.

It was exciting watching Eden learn to float and hold her breath underwater and learn "monster arms" while kicking

She even went off the diving board!

Already that time again...
first day of preschool for the second time

Lucky for us, Eden had Ms. Mana again

Celebrating the first day of school with Kong Cones @ Macey's where we like to drive the carts

My supers

Our first walk with 3 kids. Not bad.

The pumpkin patch
(Eden likes the little ones)

This was the best idea I've ever had. Painting pumpkins!

Eden as Elsa
Adam as Spiderman
Eli as a Manning ;)

Thanksgiving 2019
with our turkeys
Gobble Gobble!

Snowball fight!
Rules: first lick, then throw

Happy birthday Eden! You're 5 years old!
Pictured: Ashlyn, Ellie, Eloise, Saisha, Harper, Adam, and Eden

At the movies to see Frozen 2 for Eden's birthday

Christmas again? Jammies!

Happy 2019!

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