Sunday, June 14, 2020

My Three

Happy 2020!

This is a picture of Adam New Year's night. It was a happy 2020, but no one could have imagined what 2020 would bring: a world pandemic, civil unrest, movements, and more- and it's only June! If you only looked at the current events, one would think the Second Coming would be happening tomorrow, but in our home, there is still love, happiness, laughter, and hope.

Here on Sesame Street... at the Vivint Center!

One of our "favorite uncles"

This is our Eli- mouth wide open. He is always drooling and loved by all. Eden is a great big sister and wants to pick Eli up and hold him, but at 8 months old it's not clear who is stronger- him or her. Adam is delighted whenever Eli wakes up and can be heard exclaiming, "E-hi! You o-wake, you o-wake!"

All bundled up for the snow. We got a lot of it! This is just how I remember the winter as a kid- snow waist-deep and untouched.

In case the videos don't work, just imagine how hilarious this site is. Eden gets to the bottom in 1.3 seconds flat with only a carpet burn for sliding on her belly backwards. Adam is a bit more creative. He resembles a fish as he arches and then flops down the stairs. He also started climbing the stairs feet first. Don't let Grandma see!

Big enough to roll and all of a sudden less of a baby.

Ice-skating in Provo thanks to Uncle Scott's Mortgage company for Eden's FIRST TIME! As Eden said, "I've never done this before!" She walked out on the ice like a pro and zoomed around with Austin. It didn't look like Adam knew what ice was or that it was going to be slippery because he did the same thing- walked right out on the ice with no hesitation until his feet were no longer underneath him. Oops!

Look who's 30! You don't look a decade older, but gee whiz it happens fast. One thing hasn't changed: chocolate cake is still the favorite. 


Happy half-birthday to my little Eli!

Watch out! Eden's on two wheels! Between having a good teacher and being a fast learner, she caught on quickly. Who else is lucky enough to learn to ride a bike on carpet? 

Fishing with Matthew. We didn't exactly catch a fish, but we saw one or two!

How do you go on a walk with 3 kids? Well...
Pushing 3 kids up the hills is another story.

Now that Eden is on two wheels there was an open bike for Adam to try out. He was elated to have a turn! In fact, Adam was so happy to get to ride a bike that he rushed Austin to give him a hug. "Hoo Hoo Dad!" Which is Adamic for "Thank you, Dad!"

Happy Easter!

Warning: The following pictures may be offensive to some ;)

Eden loves her make-up and even convinced Adam to take part in the fun, which it was until we had to get it off.

Hey cool dude!

During this unique time with the pandemic, we have been able to have church at home. It has been a wonderful experience. How grateful we are to not feel like we are missing anything. We have the sacrament thanks to the priesthood authority in our home, and Come Follow Me is awesome in helping us study the scriptures and teach our kids. I also love the insights from others, specifically Mark Holt and his Gospel Talktrine podcast, Tyler Griffin with Book of Mormon Central, and Don't Miss This with Emily Freeman and David Butler. Some people have a gift for teaching the gospel and studying doctrine. These are some of those elect.

Below is our version of King Benjamin giving his address on his tower and the people in their tents.

This is what you get when you leave your kids with Aunt Lindsey. 

This is my perfect planking baby. Eli is crawling like a mad man at 8 months old. He doesn't exactly crawl on his knees though. He likes to plank, scoot, and push forward like a turtle. He might just have join the army with that form.

Eden is officially done with Preschool! They had a drive through parade to say goodbye to her teacher. She was so lucky to have Ms. Manal and be part of Headstart at Bellview.

Adam is just about to start preschool too and he is getting very smart! He can write the letters in his name and is amazingly good at tracing and coloring in the lines, which he loves to do.

Grandma's little buddy :)

So, Eli. He loves cheese, yogurt, and pancakes. We are trying to try about everything, but those are favorites. He seems to like pasta and apples just as much, but he'd eat a shoe if I let him too.

It isn't summer until you jump on the tramp with the sprinklers on!

Please laugh. Doesn't that little stache look convincingly real?

My kids can dance! And it isn't because of me.
Those hips are from their dad.

Eli is full of new sounds: clicking, tongue smacking, gurgling, and spitting. Lots of spitting.

Happy school lunch! Thanks to the coronavirus the schools have been handing out free breakfasts and lunches every weekday. It's been a fun treat!

On our way to Provo to have dinner with the Gardenhires. It's been a big year for them with 3 graduations: Sara, Bayley, and Brandon. Plus, Luke is about ready to head back out on his mission to Kentucky. Don't let Eli fool you- he hates the car!

Please let this work! Listen carefully. Adam says his own prayers. They arent always understandable, but it is adorable. He speaks his heart and tells Heavenly Father everything. 


This face is brought to you by peas.
Apparently Eli doesn't like them. You would have thought we fed him a lemon. Silly kid.

Waterford Upstart Graduate. Thanks in part to this, Eden is starting to read and she's not even in Kindergarten yet.

It's Park City time at the Marriott!
The weather has been unbelievably cold for June, like snow and hale cold. So we made our own pool out of the jacuzzi tub. This was before we found out the pool was 90 degrees and hot tub warm.

It also happened to be Adam's birthday weekend. Happy 3 years old! 
He is happy about life, excited about everything, smart, and learns quickly. He's becoming a tease, but is so gentle for a little boy and we love him!

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