It has been a rather eventful week. Eventfully joyful for the girls around here and eventfully um... well, chaotic, for Austin. It doesn't differ much week to week other than in degree for him. Yes, it has been another endless time of studying for the man of the house. He has another bout of tests tomorrow morning. This, after having a test and a quiz last week that were scheduled for Monday, but postponed until Tuesday because the internet went out. Good ol' St. Kitts. Always undependable. On the bright side of things, he has been amazingly calm despite the inner torment and stress of not having enough time to cover the material he would like to. It has been absolutely heart warming to see Eden develop this new fondness for Austin. She would play all day with him if she could! Eden loves brushing Austin's hair, especially, and shows him everything.
We have been able to spend a good few days at the beach and another few at the pool. The beach is a blast when you can explore on your own! Sadly, I think Eden has a small allergy to the sun- if not allergies to something else here on the island. We had a rough, and I mean rough, day at the beach. Poor thing broke out in a rash, watery eyes, runny nose, and was probably hot and tired to top it off. Needless to say, we invested in some Benedryl which will be worth it's overpriced cost.
There are a few more families on the island as of this semester. Some have kids around Eden's age, so she has had play dates and a good time with little ones. It's been fun for me to meet other wifees, as I deemed them, too. They aren't exactly "mommies" yet, but they do count as "wifees." One girl, who is here for the first semester, said she is going crazy with nothing to do, but watch tv and play with her cat. Enough said. I'm glad I don't have that problem. And I'm glad we met her so she will have more than her cat to keep her company.
I got hired for a small- very small- job writing blog posts for a company based out of California called Project Juice. I should be writing 1-2 articles a week and get paid $.03 per word. So... my goal is to get really fast at writing meaningful fluff ;)
Austin and I were just called to be the Temple prep class teachers for the branch. I would be absolutely thrilled for that opportunity if I weren't so worried about Austin's time. Instead, I'm just really excited and hope it all works out in his interest. The branch is really stressing temple importance and has made it a goal this year for our members to make a temple trip by December. A good majority of them have never been, so we get to help them prepare. Cool, eh? Little did I realize just how blessed we were with the temple in our midst and ingrained in our family culture.
Yeah, we don't need a cat.
As I have been writing this, Eden found Austin's stash of Christmas chocolate and has been pretending to talk on the phone. She says hi! and needs a mom again.
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